Rubber Mulch News

Following our Passion

The year is coming to a close and many of us have vacation time we need to use before we lose it! The economy isn't great to say the least, but you owe it to your emotional health to take some time off and let your passion guide you.

By |2023-05-31T09:11:34-05:00October 27th, 2008|Blog|

Sound the Recycling Alarm!

While IMC recycles millions of tires each year to make rubber mulch and recycled rubber landscape and playground products - we know that more needs to be done to save our environment.

By |2023-05-31T09:11:35-05:00October 13th, 2008|Blog|

Welcomed Mats

Whether you use them under swings and slides, as an exercise floor or as a decorative pathway in the yard, Rubberific Mats have unrivaled longevity, versatility and functionality.

By |2023-05-31T09:11:36-05:00May 25th, 2008|Blog|

162 x 30 = 58,320,000

It is estimated that each major league game produces 6 tons, or 12,000 pounds of potentially recyclable material that is taken to landfills. 30 teams play 162 games, so if you add it all up, MLB is responsible for adding more than 58 million pounds of trash to our landfills every year.

By |2023-05-31T09:11:37-05:00May 22nd, 2008|Blog|

Bordering on Genius – Rubberific Landscape Borders

As the snow begins to pile up for many of us, and for the fortunate few where snow is not part of Mother Nature’s plan, flora goes dormant until the spring rains bring new life to our gardens, we need to take a moment to pause, think, and create a plan of action for the next round of flora festivities. When many of us say that “we like to garden,” what we mean is that we like to plant, wait, and then view the bountiful beauty that we have created. Sadly, it is not this simple, as there are hours and hours of prep work that need to be completed before we can head to our garden center, pick out our lot, and get our hands dirty.

By |2023-05-31T09:11:39-05:00February 18th, 2008|Blog|

The Power of Partnership

There are some of you out there that I could never convince to use recycled rubber products in your yard, and I am alright with that. Some gardeners like to reclaim old pine needles and use them for mulch. Others start their own compost piles in the backyard, and lessen the impact on the environment by mulching with organic materials. This is good and you should be commended, as you are doing the same thing we are, recycling products to give them a second life. We are all in this world together. This month, some of the focus of my entries is targeted at recycling as a whole, not solely reserved for recycled rubber, as this is just one of the many items you can purchase and use to help better the world that we live in.

By |2023-05-31T09:11:41-05:00February 18th, 2008|Blog|